Retino Tracking

We help you track shipping for all your orders from one place, identify problematic shipments, and gain insights into the speed and quality of delivery throughout the entire journey from your e-shop to the end customer.

Keep your shipments under control

Efficient logistics

Unified shipment management

Everything in one place

We track shipments for all your orders, regardless of the carrier or country. In one clear interface, you can easily filter and search shipments.

Smart data analysis

Comprehensive performance overview

We measure the quality and speed of delivery for each carrier, country, and e-shop. Including automated reports for management.

Timely issue detection

Problem prevention

We automatically detect problematic shipments before your customer finds out.

Easy system integration

Ready to use

We support popular e-commerce platforms and carriers across the European Union.

API & Webhooks

Flexible connectivity

Easily connect to your internal system using a modern API.

Take Control

Everything in One Place

Tracking of All Shipped Packages
Monitor the delivery of all your orders, regardless of carrier or country.
Branded Shipment Updates
Keep your customers engaged with automated, branded emails.
Detect Problematic Shipments
Ensure timely detection of problematic shipments and immediate resolution.
Improve Customer Satisfaction
Increase customer satisfaction through regular and timely shipment updates.
Easy Delivery Extension
Extend the pickup deadline with a single click – simple and convenient.
Comprehensive Delivery Overview
Full control and insight into all carriers in one place.

We track millions of orders

We’ve been building Retino for eight years, but we’re just starting with Tracking. Yet, we’re already monitoring the shipping of over four million orders from e-shops that trust us.

Tracked Shipments
EU Countries
Years of Experience

Retino Tracking through our clients' eyes

Invital logo

"Kvalitní a rychlá logistika je v dnešní době základ úspěchu a proto jsme rádi, že pro dohled nad kvalitou logistiky společnost Retino vyvinula aplikaci Retino Tracking. Aplikace nám pomáhá řešit kontrolu rychlosti doručení, identifikovat problémové zásilky a zvýšit procento doručitelnosti.

Každý den odešleme tisíce balíků do 7 zemí přes 12 dopravců, a proto tento problém již řešit potřebujeme. Nicméně aktuálně není v našich silách takový systém vytvořit a udržovat, ač jsme to v minulosti několikrát zvažovali."

Vít Hellebrand
Majitel Invital
Elis Design logo

"Our priority is to provide exceptional customer care, and Retino Tracking allows us to proactively address potential issues before the customer even knows about them - typically in cases of damaged or lost shipments. At the same time, thanks to Tracking, we can contact customers who haven't picked up their shipment for a long time, and thus significantly reduce the number of uncollected orders.

The ability to have an overview of all logistics in one place is crucial for our growth in foreign markets, and it makes it much easier for us to select the appropriate carrier for a specific country."

Jan Křivka
Marketing Director at Elis Design

Tracking and Your Favorite Carriers

We support all major carriers on the market. Missing one? We’ll add it for you quickly.

Czech Post
Hungarian Post
Polish Post
Post Without Borders
Slovak Post
Slovenian Post

This is Retino. And you should try it.

Want to have returns and claims under control?

Want to track every package from warehouse to customer in real time?

Try all features for 14 days FREE.

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