Thanks to Retino, has great overview of returns and exchanges. Moreover, they save 70 % of time.

Thanks to Retino, can watch their returns and exchanges conveniently. Also, they have saved 70 % of time. is a Czech e-shop with furniture and household items. The e-shop has its own storage with over 10 000 products, available for an immediate delivery to customers.The e-shop started using Retino by the beginning of 2019. We are, obviously, curious about their rating of the Retino application. We asked Mr. Petr Kuneš, one of the owers of, what the first half-year with Retino has brought to them.

Before Retino, what system did you use for processing returnsand exchanges?

In the past, we had all the tickets recorded in two Excel tables and one in-house system. We communicated with our customers via e-mail or phone. So we were using the mainstream solution used by most e-shops, I guess.

How did your conversion to Retino go?

From the technical point of view, to start using Retino was not a problem at all. The hardest part for us was setting the steps and processes appropriately. I have make some sketches on paper and set it up in Retino subsequently. Now I keep editing and improving the processes. Right settings is definitely the most important part. If you capture all aspects right, you will save a lot of future work and problems.

Can you name three main benefits that Retino brings to you?

1. Keeping an eye on deadlines
We can immediately see when the certain ticket is to be closed. The evidence of tickets is really great!
2. Clear and well-defined process
We have to deal with many many returns, and Retino has helped us to standardise the process. It decreases the time of solving each ticket.
3. Noticeable save of time
Once we have Retino tuned up to satisfy all our needs and set up the automations, we are saving about 70 % of time which was previously being spent on routine tasks.
4. I have to add one more point.
The customers now don´t shout at us as much as before. They look positively at the professional approach we have towards returns and exchanges. Which is also the reason why the main metrics we are monitoring with Retino is the customers´ tickets rating.

Can you please summarzie your experience with Retino?

Retino means a really big benefit for our e-shop. At the beginning, we have thoroughly set up all the processes which we now profit from on a daily basis. Today, everything runs perfectly and we are monitoring each ticket individually. Customers communication has been centralized and made easier. I would recommend this single system to everyone.

Tohle je Retino. A měli byste ho zkusit.

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